1Kg of high quality Morel sawdust spawn (Morchella Angusticeps) A fire pit strain grown using the best quality locally sourced ingredients and ready to colonise of your very own outside morel bed.
Efforts to cultivate the Morel mushroom indoors have so far had little success. Currently, the only working method to encourage morels to grow on your own using a forest fire strain and create an outdoor fire pit morel patch in your garden.
The key to growing Black Morels in your garden is to provide a growing environment that our Morel strain is familiar with. This fire pit strain originates from a morel found after wild fires in the eastern United States as part of a species swap with one of our partners.
Instructions on making your fire pit morel bed can be found on our 'how to guides' page
1Kg of Morel sawdust spawn (Morchella Angusticeps) Fire pit strain
Spawn is grown & made to order